...thoughts from the journey

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Redemption's Song

If I were a songwriter, a singer, perhaps a poet, my life’s song would surely carry redemption’s theme. The scripture is replete with promise, bounteous hope and clear direction. But no theme quite captures my soul as the promise of redemption…both eternal and in the “here and now.” In fact, while our eternal redemption is truly promise enough and more than we could ever hope for. The reality of the redemptive nature of our Lord’s love invites me daily to lift my hands in joyous and resounding praise. Consider life without redemption’s promise. Bleak at best, I’d say.

While I may not be the oldest among us, I am certainly not the youngest and have lived enough life to have seen my Lord’s faithful hand redeem my circumstances, my choices, my very perspective. We are a people of promise, and we live with a vision for our future. But it is in times of honest reflection that we are brought to our knees in thanksgiving for His continuous, steadfast love.

Have you ever felt at the end of yourself? Have you ever known the consequences of a bad decision? Have you ever stood at a dead end knowing no way of escape? Have you stood in oppressive darkness with no light for your next step? If you have, then like me, you can shout from the rooftop…My Redeemer Lives!

He paid an incredible price to rescue you, to ransom me…to give us life and even kiss us with surprises. When I read the passage from Psalm 22, I am reminded of the price He paid for my redemption. The sinless, spotless Lamb of God knew horrific sin and the hopeless despair it brings. And yet He bore our sin, our shame and our guilt. He paid the price to buy you and me back from death and hell itself. He redeems our lives from the pit, the Psalmist says, from places that would destroy us through the wounding of life. All this He paid in full…for you, for me and for countless others who have found His love.

With the Psalmist, David, I ask this question, what would have happened to me had I not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living? I will not think of what might have been, or fear what might be, for I have certainly seen His goodness and know Him to be trustworthy. Wait, hope, look for the Lord…because our Redeemer does live and His very nature is to deliver, to rescue, to purchase, and even re-purchase, us for Himself.

There is nothing we can do to deserve the magnanimous gift offered to us through His suffering, death and resurrection. But, daily I can and must live in the reality of this gift. I can and must embrace His love, count dear the cost and LIVE redemption’s song in all I say and do.

Will you join in the song? Will you do your best to enjoy a life well-lived, knowing the price is paid, the road is paved and the promise sealed? Will you dare to live as one redeemed, no matter your circumstance, trusting in the nature of the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever?

Jesus came. He came for you, He came for me. He is and will ever be faithful…He is our Redeemer. There is a Fountain, the old hymn, closes one verse with, “Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die.” Indeed!