...thoughts from the journey

He Knows our Days

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16b NIV

What a wonderful day we live in! It is a busy day, a frightening day in many ways, but what a wondrous day. Opportunity is at every corner. Questions abound and beg for answers. Needs are real and they are serious. Anyone else out there feel a bit overwhelmed? Our lives are busy. The needs are tremendous. How do we handle the pressure? Sometimes we handle it well, often however, we struggle…or at least I do. I don’t think I am alone.

One of my favorite sayings over these last years is, LIFE AIN’T NO SHORT RIDE ON A PINK DUCK!! Brother is that the truth! But then, really, who wanted to ride a pink duck anyway? Not me, not you.

Life is a journey and the ride is intended to be good, even when difficult. There is an adventurous wind to catch and move along with. It is the wind of the Holy Spirit. I find that if I will simply give myself to hanging onto Him, though the day is wild, the needs pressing…somehow at the end of the day, instead of putting my head on the pillow overwhelmed, I go to bed with an overwhelming sense of the goodness, the utter faithfulness, of God. The fact is He has given us the privilege of making a difference in the world we live in. What an honor!

To be prepared for this world, we continually must make choices. Some time back I made a quality decision and entered into a new season. The Lord showed me a room in my heart where I had been hiding out. I felt He challenged me to walk out of this room, lock the door and hand Him the key, leaving it to His care forever. I decided to do just this and in my mind’s eye I saw myself walking out of that room, shut and lock the door and as I did I saw His loving hand and gave over the key. He took it, put it away and then I saw Him reach to the door where there was a simple sign … Regret. He took that sign and flipped it, much like a business would an Open/Closed placard. As He flipped it, before my eyes I saw it change to “Lessons Learned.” At that moment something in me shifted.

What room are you living in? There are many we hide in, even decorate to make livable…rejection, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, fear, jealousy…the list is endless. Come on out, give Him the key and step with Him into the room of His love, His endless grace and His significant purpose.

What do you need to take from your last season, what do you need to leave behind? Leave it with the One who is able to redeem, restore and resurrect. He is faithful. It is time. It is amazing how good it feels to breathe fresh air, to know His touch in a renewed way…to step into a new season.

Our world, though dark in so many ways, is ripe with possibility and therefore promise. After all, He has promised where darkness abounds, grace will much more abound. It is time to ask Him to give us His perspective on our world, His eyes to see it, His hands to touch it, His heart to make a difference. Indeed, it is the opportune time. What are you doing to make a difference because He lives in YOU?

Just as real to me is the sound of keys rattling. Again, I see Him reach into His pocket, taking out a key ring, handing it over … Keys matching doors to unlock our future. Will we take them? Who knows what lies behind those doors, where the corridors will lead? This I know, He will be there waiting, He will have made preparation if we will just step into our future. Make a choice, take the first step. Indeed, the One who created your future will meet you, lead you and see to it you arrive safely at your destiny. It is a good day to be His child…the best day is still ahead!

Before your days were, He knew them and had good plans written for you in His book. Step in fully to this new day … so you can then STEP OUT into this hectic world holding out to it The Answer!