...thoughts from the journey

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Good question. It was a simple, but very revealing question, Moses asked. Stripped of all he thought he was, he no longer knew who he was. Reduced from the pride of position and palace, with no more grand illusions, he was in perfect posture for God to reveal Himself.

Believing himself a failure, he was a clean page for the Lord to write His will upon. The brokennes, the emptiness..all he thought disqualified him...had in

truth prepared him for all the Lord was preparing him for.

A priceless secret is held in this passage. We find ourselves, not by looking at self, but by gazing into the face of our God who created us. In who He is, we find we are all we need to be. We find freedom. We discover it is not about us, it never was and never will be. It is all about Him. In living in this truth we find freedom. Quite simply, we are His, and that is enough because He is more than enough.

Moses reveals the tyranny of self we all wrestle against. It is a mirror of our own battle. In focusing on who we are, our human nature tends to be caught between thinking too highly or too lowly of ourselves. In answer to the wrong question, the Lord reveals the right answer, who He is. And there, in the revelation of the Great I Am, Moses not only found his God, he found himself. So with us.

Great answer!

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